Animal Friends: Helen Keller’s and Yours

Helen Keller and Polly Thomson, seated outside on the grass with German Shepherd dog nearby, circa 1955
Helen Keller loved animals! April 2021 is #NationalPetMonth, and as we post images from the Helen Keller Archive of some of the 16 pet dogs that Helen treasured during her long life, we invite you to submit images of your pets! Tell us how your animal friends have enriched your lives! In November of 1967, fifth grader Robin Gates wrote to Helen Keller to ask of Helen's dog Lioness and shares how she enjoys reading of Helen's life: 3126 Cold Springs Rd. Baldwinsville, N.Y. Nov. 19, 1967…
Author AFB Staff
Blog Topics Helen Keller

Celebrating Assistive Technology Awareness Day

Amir Rahimi at his desk, typing
Amir Rahimi working at his desk
Wednesday, April 14, 2021, is National Assistive Technology (AT) Awareness Day. AFB is committed to increasing access to AT and other accessible technologies as part of our public policy advocacy, and AccessWorld frequently features new technologies in its monthly issues. In honor of the day, we are highlighting what assistive technology means to people who are blind or have low vision. For those who already use assistive technology, we also encourage you to spread the word and raise awareness…

Making the Virtual Workplace Accessible

Tech Notes Many industries have accelerated their transition to a virtual workplace due to COVID-19 over the past year. The conventional office we are most used to has desks, pens, printers, and industry-specific equipment. The individual cubicles may be laid out to promote open collaboration or snugly compartmentalized for individual contribution. Thought was put into each component at some level—whether it be cost, compliance, efficiency, a well-deserved perk, or a dire necessity. The…

APH President Dr. Craig Meador's Acceptance Speech for Helen Keller Achievement Award

The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) has been a key steward of the history of blindness for more than 160 years. The organization has set the standard for how we adapt to and anticipate changes and innovate to meet new demands. For all of this and more, APH is a worthy recipient of the Helen Keller Achievement Award. Video Transcript: Hello, I’m Dr. Craig Meador. On behalf of APH and its 300-plus employees, I want to thank you for this very prestigious award. We’re grateful to…
Author AFB Staff
Blog Topics

White House Accessibility Policy

White House
Just as the White House is known as “The People’s House,” the White House webpage should be “The People’s Page,” a digitally inclusive place for everyone. High-profile web pages like this one provide a model for the rest regarding what a website can and should do to be inclusive. Recently, the White House website has been updated to include an accessibility statement. The statement is simple, and serves as a good model to emulate for any organization or company that is committed to digital…

Sam Latif Accepts the Helen Keller Achievement Award for Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble received a Keller Achievement Award for setting a sterling example through its diversity and inclusion initiatives. P&G has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to disability inclusion and making the company, its brands and services more inclusive for people with disabilities. On behalf of Procter & Gamble, the award was accepted by Sumaira "Sam" Latif. Sam is Company Accessibility Leader at Procter & Gamble. She has held multiple roles in IT for P&G…

International Women's Day 2021

In recognition of Women’s History Month and the incredible leadership of Helen Keller, our most famous advocate, AFB is hosting a panel discussion on “Women in Leadership: A Conversation About the Intersection of Gender and Visual Impairment," featuring a diverse group of visually impaired women in leadership roles—from corporations to politics, nonprofits, and small businesses. Join Us March 18, 2021, at 2 pm Eastern! Our distinguished panelists will address the key issues facing women who…

Share Your Photos: Let’s Show What Education Looks Like in 2021

The other night I was watching the local NBC affiliate’s news in Tucson, where I live. A veteran fourth-grade teacher has been teaching online this year. Each morning when she enters her classroom, she is greeted by empty chairs and doesn’t see her students until she logs in to Zoom. She does not like those empty chairs greeting her! One of her student’s parents put an end to those empty chairs by creating life size cutouts of each student and putting them in the chairs. Those pictures sure…

Blind Wikipedia Editor Dr. Skylar Covich on Wikipedia’s 20th Anniversary

Most of us are probably familiar with Wikipedia, the free Internet Encyclopedia that anyone can edit. For Dr. Skylar Covich, his journey with Wikipedia stretches back to 2003, almost as long as the site has been in existence. In light of Wikipedia’s 20th anniversary on January 15th, Skylar recently reflected upon his journey with this vast knowledge-based resource, and suggested where he would like to see it go. Skylar was born totally blind, with Leber's congenital amaurosis -- a group of…

Learn Disability History

Teachers and parents! Did you know that the American Foundation for the Blind—where Helen Keller worked for over 40 years—has created free, accessible lesson plans for teaching disability history? Now is a great time to teach your children or students what blind and deafblind writers, activists, and leaders have accomplished. The lessons are designed to teach middle and high school students how to do their own research using digital and physical archives. Topics include the difference…
Author AFB Staff
Blog Topics Helen Keller, Education