
As part of our refocusing of AccessWorld in the spring of 2023, we have expanded AccessWorld beyond the magazine format. If you are not familiar with the changes that have come to the AccessWorld publication itself, we have now expanded AccessWorld to focus more directly on digital inclusion. This means that we now include content of interest to web and software developers, employers, and other changemakers in the digital inclusion space.

With this change, we have also expanded into new spaces. One of those spaces is the AFB blog. Myself and other AccessWorld writers have begun including content on the blog. Much of this content mirrors content we produced in the past, for example, our conference coverage and operating system updates, but the blog format also allows us to include other editorial content as well.

In addition to blog content, we also publish a podcast monthly which discusses accessibility and usability as well as other digital inclusion related topics. We frequently have guests appear on the podcast to speak on their areas of focus.

Often, if you find content you like on one branch of AccessWorld, you will find more on that topic on another branch. For example, game reviews published on the blog might be inspired by accessible gaming content in AccessWorld. As an example, the review of Conjury published here on the blog was inspired by content in a gaming article published in the Fall 2023 issue of AccessWorld.

Likewise, if you are interested in low vision related content, both for people with low vision themselves or for those looking to improve accessibility for people who have low vision, we have content on the blog, in the Winter 2024 issue of AccessWorld, and on the podcast. Steve Kelley discusses getting started with low vision on the blog, we discuss low vision accessibility and video magnifiers with APH's Lee Huffman on the podcast, and Breean Cox discusses best practices for improving accessibility for those with low vision in AccessWorld. Another example of cross content involves audio description. In the Winter 2024 issue of AccessWorld, I discussed best practices involving audio description. For our April AccessWorld podcast, we interviewed Roy Samuelson regarding his work in the audio description space as well as his efforts on the audio description for AFB's documentary, Possibilities.