Mark your calendar for two key events in 2024!

Helen Keller and Polly Thomson shake hands with Colonel Harbison in Tokyo.

First, AFB will hold the annual Helen Keller Achievement Awards during a special event on April 18th at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, California. The awards ceremony will be followed by with a special screening of the Possibilities documentary film. A panel with special guests will close out the evening event. Helen Keller’s message on hope and inclusion was deeply embraced during her travels to Japan, and AFB is moved by the opportunity to hold this special event at the museum’s Democracy Center, which is an anchor for inclusion in the Los Angeles community.

Then, join AFB in the land of 10,000 lakes as leaders, practitioners, scholars, and industry partners in the field of blindness and low vision together for the annual AFB Leadership Conference. The three-day convening will take place Sept. 23-25 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis’ motto is “Avant,” French for “Forward.” And AFB looks forward to the momentum we can gain by coming together to envision a future full of endless possibilities. Visit the AFBLC event page for more details on the conference. Registration will open in early January 2024.