AFB Culture

AFB is creating a world of no limits for blind and visually impaired Americans—a world where individuals with vision loss at every stage of life can live, work, learn, and play at their full potential.

To achieve this goal, AFB values learning, collaboration, impact, and excellence. We are a dynamic, creative, results-driven organization. Our workplace is lean, fast-paced, and virtual, and our work is project- and team-oriented. Performance expectations are aligned with the organization's goals and values, and employees are empowered to make decisions and take care of business. We value and invest in our people and their tools, expanding our expertise and utilizing the latest accessible technology. We deliver excellence to our customers, partners, and constituents.

Core Values

Our core values define what we expect of ourselves and each other in carrying out our work to achieve our strategy.

AFB's core values align with the organization's strategic objectives of producing knowledge, promoting understanding, shaping policy, and ensuring organizational effectiveness. The values are:

  1. Learning
  2. Collaboration
  3. Impact
  4. Excellence