Lee Huffman

Dear AccessWorld readers,

All I can say is WOW, what a busy, action-packed week!

The 28th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, otherwise known as CSUN 2013, was held February 25 through March 2 in sunny San Diego, California. It's impossible to take in all of the pre-conference workshops, educational sessions, forums, technology exhibits, and group meetings, but the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) was there, doing our best to experience as much of CSUN as we could!

AFB staff members were involved in several educational session presentations and meetings with national leaders in the mainstream and access technology arenas. In order to help keep AccessWorld readers up to date with the goings on at CSUN, AFB was, once again, proud to sponsor the Blind Bargains podcast coverage of CSUN 2013. The AccessWorld team encourages you to log on to the Blind Bargains Audio Content page, which features great interviews, presentations, and updates on the latest in technology news from the conference.

It's not too early to mark your calendars and save the date for the 29th annual CSUN conference from March 17 to March 22, 2014, again being held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Diego.

The AccessWorld team hopes you enjoy this issue, which includes product and app evaluations, information for those of you considering changing from a PC to a Mac, and a personal account of participating in the National Fitness Challenge.

Lee Huffman
AccessWorld Editor-in-Chief
American Foundation for the Blind

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