Here we publish letters submitted by AccessWorld readers on a range of topics. If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, you can do so by sending an email to the Editor, Aaron Preece. You can also send a letter to the Editor by activating the "Comment on this article" link at the bottom of any article.

Dear AccessWorld Editor,

This message is in reference to Jamie Paul's July 2020 article, Maximizing your Efficiency as a Student Using Leasey Tools for the JAWS Screen Reader.

I would like to know if Leasey can be configured to filter out useless information from webpages, like dates and times, as well as repetitive wording like sharing links for social networks.

A discrete beep could sound when something is being skipped. It would save time and make the task of reading the news or any number of other information online, much more pleasant and efficient.

Of course, such sections. e.g. wording, would have to be user-defined.



Response from AccessWorld author, Jamie Pauls:

To my knowledge, this feature is not available when using Leasey. If a feature were to exist, it would most likely be found in the JAWS Flexible Web function.

August Table of Contents

Article Topic
Letters to the Editor