Transcription of Letter

July 17, 1963

The President
The White House
Washington 25, D.C.

My dear Mr. President:

It has been my privilege and responsibility to assist Miss Helen Keller in many ways for a number of years. During the past several months, it has become necessary that I take over a great deal more of the kind of correspondence which she would profoundly wish to do personally. I am, therefore, at her request acknowledging your exceedingly kind birthday greetings which you wrote in your letter of June 20.

In order that you may not wonder too greatly about her health, the fact that others are attending to such matters as this is a result of advice from her physician that she rest most of the time for a period of months now. Otherwise, she is in exceptionally good health for her 83 years.

Miss Keller not only asks that I send you her grateful appreciation for your thoughtful message, but also her warm wish that you too will continue to enjoy good health and successful leadership.

Very sincerely yours,

M. Robert Barnett
Executive Director