
photo of Lincoln Memorial with the tagline: Building a Future of Possibilities

VisionAware peer advisor Audrey Demmitt recently attended the American Foundation for the Blind Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. She writes, “As a consumer and paraprofessional who works with the visually impaired and blind community, I found it both informational and inspirational. I came away feeling very encouraged by all the efforts, research, product development and initiatives that are taking place on behalf of those who live with vision loss." She was particularly impressed by all of the accessible technology presented at the conference. Read her full report on the "Visually Impaired: Now What?" blog: Good News and Resources from the Recent AFB Leadership Conference.

Similarly, on the FamilyConnect Blog, Shannon Carollo reported her experiences at AFBLC2016, "You see, you have around 400 courageous advocates in one place, and it is inspiring. I wish you could be here and experience it. You'd see national, state, and local organizations, programs, and agencies unified and represented, as well as Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TVIs), Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS), and university professors. And what am I hearing from these educators, strategic planners, and policy-makers?

I am hearing that you are the key to your child receiving quality, appropriate services." Read Shannon's full blog post, Parents of Children with Visual Impairments, You Are the Key to Your Child's Services.

We hope you'll save the date for AFBLC 2017, which will be held March 2-4, 2017, in the same Washington, DC, location. You can sign up to receive AFB Leadership Conference updates by email.

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