
Kirk Adams, standing with his cane, wearing academic cap and gown.
Hi there,

As a man who is completely blind, I have personally benefited from the progress that AFB has made possible. I have also experienced a world of limits.

When I was five years old, my retinas detached and I lost my eyesight. I was sent to a state residential school where I learned how to read and write braille, travel with a white cane, and type on a typewriter. I was taught to love myself, my body, and what it could do. Everything was possible: hiking, horseback riding, and even sawing wood.

When I returned home to go to public school, I had a lot of limits placed on me, mostly through misconceptions about blindness. I heard “No,” “That won’t work,” “You can’t do that,” and “That’s too dangerous.”

That’s a story all too many people who are blind or have low vision are familiar with. It’s true even today when there has been so much progress in creating technology and accommodations that allow blind people like me to live full and independent lives.

I am blessed to be given the opportunity to lead AFB into its second century, and I am fortunate to be surrounded by talented, determined people who are helping to level the playing field for people who are blind or have low vision.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share their stories. Each of their journeys is different, but they are all truly inspiring. And they show what a world without limits can look like.

In the coming weeks, I hope you will share your story, too.


Kirk Adams
President and CEO

Author Kirk Adams
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